What a name: Moon’s Wings (Ali di Luna). And how comfortable does this chair look? The basic focus was to design a chair that gave a feeling of great security, while also giving a sense of feeling light and airy. They’ve certainly accomplished their goal – what a great chair this is. This award winning design is a prototype, able to be produced in a limited edition or full-fledged production run. The design is patented, the tubular metal structure is painted. A Platinum “A’ Design Award Winner” in the 2012 – 2013, this piece is made in Italy. And the name, Moon’s Wings, of course refers to the two wings that reach up to protect you, providing the security the designer sought. And the light airy feeling that is created by the open spaces fits the mandate perfectly. No question, this chair rocks!
The cushions look really comfortable!
More information: Stefania Vola