Porcelain Botanical Art Pieces by Hitomi Hosono: amazing attention to detail


The porcelain botanical treasures created by Hitomi Hosono are delicate pieces of realism. Her attention to detail is just amazing. Her style combines both Japanese and European tradition seamlessly. Born in Japan and studying there, she also studied in Denmark and the UK before settling in London. The base shapes are thrown on a potter’s wheel and the leaves and foliage are hand carved and attached. And that, of course, is the detail that makes these pieces so absolutely mesmerizing. Her fine, intricate work makes theses pieces come alive – design in motion. Many of the pieces are flowers and leaves native to Japan that she remembers from her mother’s backyard. Her masterful sculpting is all done from her memory. And clearly, her heart.


Such finely detailed work provides much for the eyes to feast on.


Hitomi Hosono’s botanical pieces are done in blacks and whites.


Some pieces have a commanding presence.


Other pieces are more delicate in nature.


More information: Hitomi Hosono

Written by Beverley Wood

Beverley Wood has lived on boats in Toronto and Vancouver and in an old hacienda in Mexico. She knows funky when she sees it. She's been writing since she was old enough to pick up a pen and has never shied away from the unusual or the whimsical. Her love of the unique (and sometimes bizarre) led her to Captivatist.