Unique Sinks for the Bathroom, Bar and Kitchen


Unique Sinks are out there for the bar, the bathroom, and the kitchen. And they can offer a huge boost to the design of a room and can be the focal point (although counters are a pretty big thing too). It wasn’t that long ago that sinks weren’t really that big a deal. But now, the design and the elements have come a long way.


Unique Sinks for the Bar

Unique sinks

What better than a recycled wine barrel for your bar sink? Or a whiskey barrel? Head over to Etsy where a plethora of choices await you. There are many different barrels, different finishes and different styles. Whiskey barrels, wine barrels, corner barrels, half barrels, even specifically Jack Daniel’s barrels – who would have thought? This is a great example of a sink, or more accurately a sink support, becoming the main focus of the room.

Ice trough sink

How about an ice trough sink for the bar? Talk about unique sinks. This one will keep the champagne (or beer) nice and cold for you. And easy to refill your glass when it’s so handy. You could also use it as an extra regular sink, albeit a skinny one, when you aren’t having a party.  Source

Unique Sinks

This stainless steel river sink leaves lots of room for ice, wine, and garnishes you may wish to keep cold. You could lay out some oysters on the half shell in the river of ice for a special effect. Source

Sinks for the Bathroom

There’s no question, the bathroom is the room with the most variety in available models of sinks. They run a whole range from the incredibly modern glass sinks, to rustic burl wood sinks to whimsical recycled sinks.

Unique Bathroom Sink

This melting ice sink is one of the nicest I’ve ever seen. You’d be mesmerized by it the whole time in the bathroom, wouldn’t you? From Deavita.

neon Sink

This neon glowing bathroom sink is from Neo-Metro. I love the blue, it’s eerie but at the same time, very calming color and light.

Unique sinks

This modern wooden sink – full of rivers to drain the water – is probably the most unique of them all. There is no way anyone uses this bathroom and returns without talking about the sink! Source

Unique Canoe Sink

I just love this canoe sink, but then again, I love red. One might have put it on a distressed plank counter or a gray polished cement counter (depending on the room, rustic or industrial). I just find the marble a little distracting. From Sparrow and Stoll.

More Unique Sinks for the Bathroom

Unique sinks

This incredible extra long glass sink, illuminated from the back, with a waterfall faucet, is stunning. and while not a double sink, certainly appropriate for a master bath – you could each just have your own “side” of the sink. Source

Live edge wood sink

This burlwood bathroom sink is rustic and modern at the same time. Love the drawbridge chains. And what an interesting choice to leave the pipe exposed that way.  Source

Unique Sink with Blue Rocks

This bathroom is true art – look at the light on those stones – the blue is amazing. Once again, a source of calm comes from color, this time with the addition of smooth river stones. Source

Glass bottom sink

This is one of the more unique sinks – a glass bottom that throws a stunning pattern – choose from several styles (above and below). Omvivo Motif 

Unique sinks

This one is kind of tongue-in-cheek but also unique

Fishtank sink is unique

Well. It’s certainly a conversation starter. The fish tank, or aquarium sink, is what I’d call a ‘novelty’ sink. I think you may get tired of it after a while but it would make a great sink in a seafood restaurant bathroom, for example. Source 

Geode Sink

This Amethyst Geode sink is simply incredible. I’d wash my hands in it every chance I got. Seriously, I’m not a real “woo-woo” person or anything, but I have felt energy emitting from amethyst geode stones, they a very mild warmth. I wonder if this sink does the same. Source

Unique Sinks

This unique sink, from Luda, doesn’t have a typical basin, more of a drain. It seems to be a new trend in bathroom sinks. There would certainly be less to clean. Hard to brush your teeth over this one though 🙂

Modern Sinks

This Kohler sink with a matching faucet and tile counter is a show stopper. It’s called The Marrakesh Camber and it’s from the “Artist’s Editions”. Here, it is paired with the Marrakesh Top Art console tabletop. The design of this Camber basin evokes the mosaics found in Moroccan courtyards.

Unusual Sinks for the Kitchen

Yellow Kitchen Sink

This lemon yellow kitchen (prep) sink and countertop is made from glazed lava stone. And the Pyro Lave company in France makes sinks and countertops in a multitude of colors (there’s a cool red one below). The material withstands high temperatures and acids with no risk of burns or stains – making it ideal for the kitchen and other areas of the house.

Unique Sinks I told you I like red 🙂 Source

Unique Sinks

Polished cement sinks are one thing (a good thing) but this one is really a unique cement sink – looks like it’s made of rock. And it’s a farmhouse, or apron, sink as well. I love it. It’s rustic – but it could fit anywhere. Source

Finger Sink

A sink and draining rivers on the counter – how clever is this? A countertop draining board. It’s brilliant. Source.

A second sink always helps

Prep Kitchen

A second sink at a prep table – now how cool is this drain? Very modern and very practical. Source

Unique Sinks

This is a custom sink, designed by Markony’s Glass Design. The pedestal is stainless steel and the unit includes a built-in garbage disposal. Isn’t it gorgeous? Visit the website to have a glass sink designed just for you.

Bamboo Apron Sink

This double basin farmhouse (apron) sink in bamboo is incredible – I know what sink I’m getting next. Source

Unique Sinks

Not that they’re super unique, but you truly don’t see many copper farmhouse apron sinks, especially of this quality. And while they have a high-end look, they’ve become very affordable.  And the style is just perfect with a New York Subway tile backsplash. Source

Kitchen Aquarium Sink

And finally, another –  yes another – aquarium sink, this time for the kitchen. Designed by Robert Kolenik, it’s called the Ocean Kitchen. And the work surface is raised hydraulically with a simple push of a button. State of the art feeding system and advanced filter means it only needs to be cleaned, and the fish only need to be fed – once a month. What will they think of next? Be sure to check out his website, he does some incredible design work.

Written by Beverley Wood

Beverley Wood has lived on boats in Toronto and Vancouver and in an old hacienda in Mexico. She knows funky when she sees it. She's been writing since she was old enough to pick up a pen and has never shied away from the unusual or the whimsical. Her love of the unique (and sometimes bizarre) led her to Captivatist.