Cat Inspired Lighting by House of MiCha

Lighting takes a cute turn with these cat inspired lamps by House of MiCha.

The black cat is given a whole new interpretation with these cat shaped designs – instead of meaning something ominous, it is a bearer of light.

The lamps are designed by Kuntzel + Deygas for the French company. They’re are fashioned out of aluminum and steel, with a halogen lamp fastened on its head. They can sit, stand, walk, and stretch, just like your typical domesticated feline. They are an adorable addition to the home.

The cat inspired lighting collection consists of four poses: MiCha assis (sitting), MiCha en marche (walking), MiCha assis patapouf (Baby Micha sitting), and MiCha dos rond (stretching).

Each costs 1,400 Euros. To buy one, visit House of MiCha.











Written by Beverley Wood

Beverley Wood has lived on boats in Toronto and Vancouver and in an old hacienda in Mexico. She knows funky when she sees it. She's been writing since she was old enough to pick up a pen and has never shied away from the unusual or the whimsical. Her love of the unique (and sometimes bizarre) led her to Captivatist.