V12 Espresso Machine: Grand Prix Coffee to Go


Formula One coffee will never be the same! This high-powered turbo coffee maker from Espresso Veloce is ahead of the pack. These fantastic machines may only be half size of the original Grand Prix racing engines but they are built with the same alloys, not to mention the same precision. Can you imagine having this espresso maker in your kitchen? Do you prefer red or blue? What a sleek machine this is! V12, of course, means 12 espresso stations on this awesome machine, but it is also available in V10 and V8 models. See the ‘oil reservoir’ at the top? That’s for adding top-ups to your coffee with the push of a button – a little Bailey’s Irish Cream perhaps? A little brandy or grappa? And did we mention that the exhaust pipes for dispensing coffee are made from titanium? And like the cars, they’re fast: you can have your espresso from start to finish in 16 seconds flat. Gentlemen (and ladies), start your engines!


These machines come in red and blue, and four other colors.


Add a little extra punch to your espresso – via the ‘oil reservoirs’ on top.


An incredibly sleek machine for your counter top!


More information: Espresso Veloce

Written by Beverley Wood

Beverley Wood has lived on boats in Toronto and Vancouver and in an old hacienda in Mexico. She knows funky when she sees it. She's been writing since she was old enough to pick up a pen and has never shied away from the unusual or the whimsical. Her love of the unique (and sometimes bizarre) led her to Captivatist.