Unique Cutlery with Character and Flair

Unique cutlery? What do you mean, knives, forks & spoons with character and flair? isn’t that a bit of a stretch? Well, you tell me – after you see the examples below. I think that cool cutlery can really enhance the meal experience. Elevate the elegance. And with the current trend for “dining in”, why not make it special? You’ll find dinner guests are always intrigued by unique or unusual cutlery – I’d even label a few of them funky flatware. And your choices are really amazing when you start to look around. We used to call it “silverware” but there are so many alloys used today – and many are not even silver in color, let alone composition. I suppose that term came from the old sterling silver sets. Which you should never leave behind at a yard or garage sale, just for the record 🙂


Is it Art or is it Cutlery?

Some of the flatware design today is incredibly complex. Others are simple, rustic and look hand forged over an anvil. But much of it is far more artistic than I’ve noticed before. Unique Cutlery: Salvador Dali

This is the Salvador Dali collection of flatware and it’s wild. And expensive. But it’s also really intriguing. It will probably be the most unique cutlery you ever own, that’s for sure. These are, of course, reproductions. The originals were designed by Salvador Dali in 1957. Made in France.


Black is the New Silver


Black cutlery

Black is a popular color for flatware/cutlery sets. Well, you know, it’s popular for everything from the little black dress to wood flooring – black is always in style. The Herdmar Oslo Black 5-pc place setting is available at Amazon. This Herdmar offering uses stainless steel with a black mirror finish.

Unique flatware

The Nendo Skeleton flatware (above and below) is designed in Japan for the Belgian furniture and home accessories brand Valerie Objects. As you can see, the design is not just art – it’s functional. And this set is available in four colors, including silver, black, copper, and gold.

treble cleff cutlery

This Treble Clef cutlery from World Market is pretty cool, don’t you think? If you know a music lover, it’s the perfect wedding or shower gift. And it’s not horrendously expensive. Very trendy – keeping with the forged, rustic look.

Unique Cutlery

This matt black (and white) set is from Bysta and would really suit a bohemian dinner table set up, wouldn’t it? Available at Amazon.


All That Glitters

Unique Cutlery

The Twig Cutlery set in brass, from The Wholesome Store, is a perfect rustic accessory for dinner at the log cabin. Brass, with gold lacquer polish coating and designed in Australia.


Funky Flatware

XHCP is a sleek, modern gold flatware line that’s not too expensive. Available at Amazon.

Unique Spoons

How about Rose Gold? How chic – although it’s only spoons. But anything From Christofle is always wonderful. And it’s no different for these Mood Espresso spoons.


Unique Cutlery in Silver

Unique Flatware

The Fortesa Dragonfly set – you know how popular dragonflies are when they start naming cutlery sets after them. They have hollow handles and are a very elegant length.



Unique Cutlery

The Alessi Zlin cutlery collection is heavy and modern – I love it. Might have to order, it’s available on Amazon and not too expensive.


Unique Flatware

The Yamazaki Merge collection features elongated tines and shortened handles.


Unique Cutlery

The Yamazaki Gone Fishin’ collection is oh so whimsical. Watch for more fish (fishing) related cutlery later.


Unique flatware

Really interesting     Source    l…

Gorham Funky Flatware

This is a Gorham set (vintage) available on Etsy. I thought it was really unique for cutlery –  the ends of the handles look like fiddleheads, don’t they?

Unique Cutlery

Hollow cutlery is a unique look – why do we need the handles to be solid, anyway? Source


Unique Cutlery in (almost) Every Color

Pois cutlery by Bugatti

Pois by Casa Bugatti (that’s right, the car company) comes in many color choices. And you can mix and match if you prefer.


Rainbow Cutlery

Rainbow cutlery from Mepra is available at Nordstrom – this is really funky flatware in my book. But I don’t think I would use it every day. Mepra is a great company, and this set is anything but inexpensive. Crafted in Italy, it uses a titanium coating process over stainless steel. You can find cheap copies everywhere online if you’re just looking for novelty silverware for a kid’s party.


Unique Cutlery

Also rainbow, but red rainbow, this silverware is stainless steel with a dishwasher safe coating. Not from Italy. Available at Amazon.


Unique Cutlery

This cherry red set from Lagouile comes in other colors as well. Recommended for everyday use, and really not a bad price at all, considering the quality and the maker.

Mix and match

Mix and match colors (above and below) with translucent handles are from Amazon. The set comes with a counter basket for easy access. Great for outdoor dining.

Unique cutlery


Sarcastic Cutlery

Unique Cutlery

Israeli designer Lee Ben David created this “Specific Cutlery” specifically to call out the need for all these pieces of cutlery. For example, the implement to pick up cherry tomatoes, shown on the right  🙂


Hand-Forged Flatware

Hand Forged Flatware

From Etsy, this hand-forged flatware is certainly unique – forged with wrought iron but still light enough to use easily.

Unique Cutlery

This hand-forget set (again from wrought iron) is rustic and very strong looking. Medieval almost. Source

Rustic forged iron cutlery

This handmade medieval cutlery, by Rudolf Krutsky is available at Outfit for Events.


And Then You Have Unique Cutlery for the Garden

I couldn’t resist. And no, it’s not really cutlery. But it’s ‘repositioned’ cutlery. Recycled cutlery. Whimsical. And so sweet in the garden.

Peace Fork

This Peace Fork is a must-have for the garden! Available at Whispering Metalworks.

Herb marker spoons

These stamped spoon herb garden markers are perfect for the garden. And seriously, who can tell the difference between Italian Parsley and Cilantro without herb markers? Not me. From Etsy. There are many styles of spoon garden markers available.

Cutelry Wind Chimes

And there are some pretty incredible silverware wind chimes on Etsy – and many websites that will help you DIY a silverware wind chime. It’s really a fantastic idea for old family silverware – nobody wants that clunky ornate stuff anymore but you can keep these family pieces by repositioning them.

Fisherman Spoon Wind Chimes

And then, we have the cutlery wind chimes that go a little further and try to create a landscape, like this fisherman. NevaStar uses natural driftwood and vintage silverware to create different scenes, all involving fisherpeople.

And we’re right back where we stared – Unique Cutlery as Art.

What’s in your cutlery drawer?

Written by Beverley Wood

Beverley Wood has lived on boats in Toronto and Vancouver and in an old hacienda in Mexico. She knows funky when she sees it. She's been writing since she was old enough to pick up a pen and has never shied away from the unusual or the whimsical. Her love of the unique (and sometimes bizarre) led her to Captivatist.